For starters Christie does like to laugh and giggle a lot in the sessions. There are somethings that I didn’t like about the Love or Above program. Embodying and Being the Energy at the highest level possible is what creates your successful life. That’s why if you read a bunch of books, you won’t change – unless you live it and become what the author is talking about. You see, she became the Love or Above energy. That I have to clear myself first so that I am vibrating at the exact Frequency necessary to make it all happen.” Carolina said, “Christie, I really do finally understand how this all works. If she had not changed her dense lower energies into something new, she would still be waiting for someone great to show up!! She said being with him is indescribable.

And it wasn’t just any man…it was a compatible man that she did not have to fix or change or settle for. You see when her energetic frequency vibrated at the right level, the mate showed up. This was after being blocked for over 2 years! She called me the other day to thank me and let me know how grateful and happy she was. We worked on upgrading her Energetic Frequencies, and a few months ago, she met a really great guy.

She wanted to throw in the towel! She came to me for help with why she could not manifest a great guy into her life. She was recently divorced and attracting not very great men. “I had one Client, Carolina, who came to me and could not get her love life to work. (You can read more about the vibration scale here) Is Your Energetic Frequency Holding You Back from Being A Magnet For Wealth, Health, And Joy? If your Vibration is below 500, and unfortunately most people are, it’s hard to manifest and you may not be as happy as you could be. Living life from the level of Love, or Above, manifests your life, your way. So manifesting is easier after level 500. The energetic frequency and truth in this statement “What is held in the mind as in visioning tends to manifest” calibrates at 505. The average number on the planet is only 207 right now.
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Anyway a few weeks later I signed up for the free webinar thinking what do I have to loose? – and the clearing in that was amazing – I felt my body trembling and I knew old baggage was being released. And I was already doing her Unlimited Abundance course and I wasn’t sure if Love or Above would really add anything to what I already had. I had been looking at Christie Marie Sheldon’s Love or Above course for several weeks not sure if I really wanted to get it. I have also written an Unlimited Abundance review Video review of Love or Above This is a review of Christie Marie Sheldon’s Love or Above and is not related to the official site which you can find here: